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How can I change or cancel my order?

• If you want to make any changes in your order, please write us a mail or call us directly on the number given. We won’t be able to change anything once it has been shipped.
• For cancellation of your order, reach out to our customer care service. Once your order has been shipped, we won’t be able to cancel it.

How long will it take to get my package?

• We usually dispatch our orders within 3-5 business days. Once shipped, it takes 3-4 business days to deliver in metros cities and 4-5 business days to deliver in rest of India.
• Delivery time may vary depending upon on your postal code and other factors including public holidays & extreme weather conditions.

Are there any additional shipping charges?

• We offer free domestic shipping on all prepaid orders.
• Shipping charges for cash on delivery orders is ₹150.

How do I track my order?

• You will get a text message/email with all the details and a tracking link once your product is shipped.
• You can also track your order from our website. Click here

How can i return or exchange a product?

• For any queries regarding exchange or return of a product, you can write to us at info@dalchinii.com or you can reach out on Instagram @dalchinii_livin, a prompt response is assured to you within 24-48 hours.
• You can also check out our Exchange/return policy.

What if I'm not available when the reverse pickup is attempted?

• The pick up will be attempted twice if the courier company is unable to pick up the shipment. You will have to send the shipment back to the company address.

Where can I find the size chart on the website?

The size chart is mentioned above the size drop-down menu on every product page.

I need to change product size or delivery details

In case of any changes in your order, please mail us at info@dalchinii.com within 24 hours of placing the order.